Waltham food pantry may be forced to find new location at critical time
CBS Boston BY MIKE SULLIVAN January 18, 2023 WALTHAM – A Waltham food pantry may be without a home unless the city steps up in the next few months. Healthy Waltham serves 750 families currently, and more than… Read More
Banco de comidas de Waltham sin lugar donde operar
Telemundo January 16, 2023 La agencia ayuda principalmente a trabajadores de bajos ingresos e inmigrantes recientes. Alimentan a 1,000 familias cada dos semanas.
Waltham Food Pantry Forced to Find New Home, Facing Resistance From Neighborhoods
NBC Boston By Katelyn Flint January 16, 2023 Keeping up with demand for food assistance is difficult enough but one nonprofit in Waltham, Massachusetts, is pulling double duty trying to feed families in need while also being in… Read More