Exciting news! Earlier this year, our Executive Director, Myriam Michel, was invited to deliver a TEDx Talk. For those unfamiliar, TEDx is an initiative that brings the mission of the original TED conferences–to provide a platform for “ideas worth spreading”–to local communities.
Myriam chose to speak on a subject she’s truly passionate about: How improved public transit infrastructure can profoundly impact America’s food access crisis. 42 million Americans, including 13 million children, will go hungry in 2021–yet this country has the most sophisticated food production system in the world. It’s not a food supply problem–it’s a failure of logistics.
Watch Myriam share what she has learned about food access since becoming Healthy Waltham’s Executive Director and some innovative solutions to Waltham’s own food insecurity crisis.
The real reason Americans go hungry is not food supply-it’s logistics.